Heart Connected Offerings


Custom Sessions

In addition to classes, workshops, and retreats, Heart Connected offers custom connection sessions designed especially for each client with the intention of deepening the connection between that person and the world around them.

Sessions can be adapted for small groups of up to six people.

Our Offerings

Connection Session
Anna Oginsky Anna Oginsky

Connection Session

Before this session, you will be invited to consult with Anna about a particular issue or issues you’re working through at this point in time.

Anna will then customize a session for you that may include yoga, writing, meditation, or art.

You will have the option to work one-on-one with Anna Oginsky on creating a mixed media art project, starting or working in an art journal, or completing a writing exercise.

Connection sessions can be facilitated with groups of five or fewer people.


One hour + 30 minute consult (scheduled in advance of Connection Session)

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“When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world.”

— John Muir